Bullwinkle Moose

  • YouTube Recording

    The show jumps right into a tribute to Bullwinkle himself, written of course by none other than Mr. Bullwinkle J. Moose. Of course, Bullwinkle finishes it off by plugging Chumley's chocolate chip cookies!

    Announcer: Once again it's melody time! And we present a well-deserved musical tribute to our star, Bullwinkle Moose!

    If you're sad and feeling low just step right up and say hello
    To Bullwinkle Moose, Bullwinkle Moose!
    Even though he's not too bright he can fill you with delight
    Bullwinkle Moose! Bullwinkle Moose!
    He's never a bother and he's always on your side
    With Rocky beside him to be his friendly guide

    If Boris and Natasha too have really got it in for you
    Call Bullwinkle Moose! Bullwinkle Moose!
    From Frostbite Falls to Saskatoon, see those groupies sign and swoon
    For Bullwinkle Moose! Bullwinkle Moose!
    He's a really nifty guy though he doesn't quite know why
    He's just a celebrated Bullwinkle the Moose!

    He's never a bother and he's always on your side
    With Rocky beside him to be his friendly guide

    So Dudley, Nell, and Horse agree, he'll go down in history
    Bullwinkle Moose! Bullwinkle Moose!
    So let's all join and give a cheer, number one moose of the year!
    Bullwinkle Moose! Bullwinkle Moose!
    Yeah let's all shout hurray, he can really make your day
    He's just an animated Bullwinkle the Moose!
    He's just an animated Bullwinkle the Moose!

    Underdog: My, that song certainly said some nice things about you Bullwinkle!

    Bullwinkle: Well sure! It was wrote by somebody who knows me and loves me better than anybody in the world!

    Underdog: You mean...Rocky?

    Bullwinkle: No, me!

    Underdog: I should have known!

    Bullwinkle: We'll be back in a bit folks! Meantimes, why not hang a fang on one of our chocolate chip cookies? They're humongous!

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